
Body Contouring is the ultimate investment in yourself! Lose fat, slim your profile and have more energy! Dr. Brozowski is one of the first physicians to perform CoolSculpting and has treated thousands of patients since its FDA-clearance in 2011. Coolscultping is now FDA cleared for 9 areas of the body. Our entire staff has been certified through CoolSculpting University and can help customize a treatment plan ideal for your transformation.

In the decade+ of treating patients with Coolsculpting, the procedure has evolved and we now carry a new line of applicators that are more comfortable than the original applicators and take less time to achieve the same results! The small applicators are only 35 minutes/cycle and the large is 45 minutes/cycle. Previously cycles were 60 minutes. Additionally, the new CoolPetite applicator can treat smaller fat pockets.  This allows us to treat patients who are close to their ideal weight, who may have only small bulges of fat, and can target small areas, such as upper arms, bra fat and fat around the armpits.  The CoolMini treats fat under the chin & neck.

Coolsculpting works by the process of cryolipolysis in which cold has the ability to kill adipocytes. This means that fat cells are injured and then resorbed through phagocytosis, resulting in a reduction of the fat layer.  Fat cells are more sensitive to cold than are other cells in the skin, nerves and nearby muscle, and can be broken down without harm to the surrounding tissue. This stimulates a natural fat removal process that continues for several months after the procedure. Cryolipolysis is non-invasive and does not require anesthesia. Visible contour change are seen in the majority of patients, with the best cosmetic results in those excess fat in the midsection, including abdomen, flanks and bra fat.

Please watch Dr. Brozowski’s video below to learn more about Coolsculpting!




Ideal Candidates for Zeltiq Coolsculpting

The ideal candidate is the one who is excited about the prospect of a transformation and is committed to the journey! Meet with Dr. Brozowski who will conduct a physical examine and review of your medical history to determine a treatment plan that is ideal to complete your transformation. Since CoolSculpting is not a weight loss solution, the best candidates are relatively fit, within 40 lbs of their idea weight, with one or more areas of stubborn fat.

Coolsculpting is FDA-cleared for treatment at the abdomen, flanks (love handles), bra fat, inner & outer thighs, above the knee, the chin and under the buttocks (aka, ‘banana roll’). We also offer special CoolSculpting Petite applicators for patients with smaller-sized fat bulges and the Cool Mini for fat under the chin.

Benefits of Coolsculpting

Excess body fat can cause systemic health problems and is often associated with body shape dissatisfaction.  Body shape and image are negatively impacted by unwanted local subcutaneous fat. Body contouring is changing the shape of soft fatty tissues, especially on the abdomen, flanks, arms and thighs.  Many people feel more comfortable pursuing non-invasive methods of fat reduction. As a completely non-invasive procedure, CoolSculpting offers patients many benefits over other fat reduction procedures. Some of these benefits include:

  • Non-invasive

  • No anesthesia needed

  • No incisions or scarring

  • No downtime

  • No need for special garments

  • Cost effective & part of the Alle program by Allergan

During the procedure, most patients remain comfortable and can read, listen to music and simply relax. Patients are able to return to work and resume other regular activities the very same day.

Coolsculpting Procedure

The Zeltiq CoolSculpting procedure involves the use of an applicator that freezes the fat cells in the targeted area. An applicator cup delivers vacuum pressure that draws fatty tissue between the cooling panels. Treated fat cells are then removed though the natural metabolic process in the body, resulting in spot reduction of fat creating a slimmer, more defined appearance. The CoolSculpting procedure usually takes one to two hours to perform, depending on the size of the area being treated.

Coolsculpting Results

Best results are achieved with CoolSculpting when a cosmetically trained physician with an artistic eye performs the procedure directly, to ensure that the exact areas are targeted to give the most aesthetically pleasing results, with the maximum fat loss.  Results are usually visible two to four months after treatment, and will continue to improve for up to six months. Although results are not as rapid as with liposuction, patients undergoing CoolSculpting can avoid the discomfort, need for anesthesia and recovery time associated with more invasive procedures.

‘It Takes Two’

Most patients who undergo CoolSculpting are highly satisfied with the results of their procedure and 75% of them return for a second treatment.  There are the patients which experience the highest rates of satisfactions. We tell patients “It takes two,” so expect to treat each are with two treatments of CoolSculpting separated by 8-12 weeks. Results of CoolSculpting last about as long as fat reduction achieved through traditional liposuction procedures.

Before and After

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To learn more about CoolSculpting® and to find out if this treatment is right for you, please call us today to schedule a Coolsculpting consultation with Dr. Brozowski in our Berkeley office. We are located in North Berkeley near Solano Avenue. Our entire staff has been certified through CoolSculpting University and can assist with your transformation.